Growth Experiments 🥽

A hand-drawn underline A hand-drawn underline

Being part of the growth team at CTgoodjobs,
this collection of A/B tests demonstrates how we successfully drove significant business growth through design experiments 🚀

A divider A divider
Adding "Number of new jobs" badge

We aimed to encourage job seekers to explore more job listings through recent searches.

  • Ver. A: Display only the recent search keywords.
  • Ver. B: Add a "number of new jobs" badge next to each recent search keyword, indicating how many new jobs are available in that category since last visit.
Ver. B resulted in +7% in click-through rates and +8% in job views.
A/B Test - 'Number of New Jobs' Badge
WebJob ListingCTRConversion
Encouraging job applications through personalisation

Our goal was to increase job views and conversions to applications by providing personalised feedback to job seekers.

  • Ver. A: Display the job listing without any special description.
  • Ver. B: Add a line of description indicating that "Your profile matches this job."
Ver. B resulted in +15% in click-through rates and +7% conversion to job applications.
A/B Test - Encouraging Job Applications through Personalisation
WebJob ListingCTR
Driving job views through social proof

We aimed to increase the click-through rates to similar jobs by leveraging social proof within a slide-in popup, which appears as job seekers scroll down the job listing page.

  • Ver. A: Display jobs as “Recommended for you”.
  • Ver. B: Change the message to “___ people also viewed this job” to highlight its popularity among other job seekers.
Ver. B resulted in +5% in click-through rates.
A/B Test - Driving Job Views Through Social Proof
AppJob ListingCTR
Job description previews

We aimed to test whether providing job seekers with more context upfront could increase engagement by showing a brief job description in the job listing on our mobile app.

  • Ver. A: Standard job listing without the brief job description.
  • Ver. B: New job listing with the brief job description.
Ver. B resulted in +4% in click-through rates.
A/B Test - Job Description Previews
Driving mobile app usage & downloads

Our goal was to encourage users to either use or download the CTgoodjobs app from the article detail page.

  • Ver. A: Display a small, non-intrusive prompt at the bottom of the page.
  • Ver. B: Use a full-screen pop-up to emphasise the app's benefits, featuring a prominent "Continue in App" call-to-action.
Ver. B resulted in +13% conversion in app downloads and +16% active mobile app users.
A/B Test - Driving Mobile App Usage & Downloads
EmailOpen Rate
Job alert email header & pre-header enhancement

We aimed to increase email open rates by enhancing the personalisation of email headers and pre-headers.

  • Ver. A: Standard email without any personalisation.
  • Ver. B: Personalised email — Added job seeker’s name, showed number of new jobs, and included a company name in the pre-header.
Ver. B resulted in +15% in email open rates.
A/B Test - Job Alert Email Header & Pre-header Enhancement
Optimising email readability for dark mode users

Our goal was to increase email engagement by optimising job alert emails for dark mode compatibility, ensuring readability and a personalised experience for both light and dark mode users.

  • Ver. A: Standard job alert email design optimised only for light mode.
  • Ver. B: Dark mode compatible design with adjusted colours and improved contrast.
Ver. B resulted in +6% in click-through rates among dark mode users.
A/B Test - Optimising Email Readability for Dark Mode Users
More to come